Website User Experience Analysis

The overall performance of your website is directly linked to the user experience. Visitors who are dissatisfied with your website’s layout are less likely to stay, interact or buy from your website. But if you have already tried to optimize your UX and the results are the same, your website needs a thorough UX analysis. Through visitor surveys, analysis of visitor behavior, and analysis of your website to identify weak usability elements, we will put your website under the microscope and help you identify issues and weak points in your UX.

Not to forget; User Experience is the #1 SEO Ranking Factor

Your website represents your business. The experience of your website visitors is directly linked to how they see your business. Knowing what’s wrong with your UX is like knowing why no one steps into your physical store to buy.

Why UX Makes Your Website Stand Out or Invisible

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Non-obvious Navigation Tips

Navigation issues alone can affect the time spent on your website. If your website’s navigation is confusing with tedious processes that lead to different pages, you won’t be able to retain your customers who visit your website. Even if you offer a great product or service, you can’t convert it into a sale if your visitor doesn’t understand how to take advantage of it.

Complicated User Interface

Website visitors shouldn’t have to read a user manual to navigate your site. Complex UI is one of the biggest barriers to user experience. Some of the most important things that can improve the UI are discoverability, affordability, efficiency and predictability.

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Non-Responsive User Interface

Another problem with the user interface is that it is not responsive. An effective UI is one that provides consistent feedback that shows the results of user requests on all devices. A delay of a few seconds can result in your visitors leaving your website immediately, especially if they don’t have a good reason to stay on the page you want.

Slow Loading Times

Your potential customers will not wait in line for your website to open. According to statistics, 47% of website visitors expect a site to load within 2 seconds. If the site doesn’t load within 3 seconds, 40% of visitors leave. The remaining 53% wait 3 seconds and leave if it doesn’t load. These figures are much higher for mobile users.

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Difficult to Understand Calls to Action (CTA)

Don’t confuse visitors with calls-to-action that convey the message vaguely. Like navigation and interface tips, your calls-to-action should tell your visitors that this is where they should click. If you don’t have a clear message in this way, you can’t expect your visitors to take the desired action.

Technical Errors

Error 404 is one of the most common errors of websites. It is caused by a broken link or a page that does not redirect properly. This error, combined with a 504 (gateway timeout) error, will be an unpleasant experience for your visitors.

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Mad Guns Digital User Experience Analysis Pack

Work with our team of website design and conversion experts. Over the years, our team has worked on websites with many user experience issues. We identify faulty usability and design elements and remove or replace them.

Most of the time, it will be hard to see what’s wrong because you’re used to the flow of your website. You don’t see problems with navigation because you already know where everything is. But you can’t expect a first-time visitor to share the same experience with you.

That’s why you need experts to look at your website from the outside. Our many years of experience in the industry have taught us how visitors think, what drives them to leave or buy from a website.

How Does the UX Optimization Process Work?

UX optimization is not a quick fix process. This process can be categorized under two main headings. UX analysis requires a thorough examination of the website’s design elements and identification of poor usability elements. Visitor behavior provides important information about visitors’ impressions of the website and how they interact with its elements. As the analysis progresses, we will make recommendations that we can implement to improve the overall user experience of your website.

What will you gain?

Mad Guns Digital is results-oriented. After the UX optimization process, you can immediately notice a few changes in your website’s performance. Your website will need a few weeks to fully realize the differences. A few of the UX optimization results will be the following.

  • Improvement in your website loading speed
  • Smoother site flow with easy navigation hierarchy
  • Improving user flow and reducing the time it takes for a user to complete an action
  • Establishing a clear interface
  • Create clear, powerful and appropriately placed calls to action
  • Reduction of technical errors and maintenance costs

The indirect effects of UX optimization include an increase in visitors returning to your site, conversion rates and revenue. As a result, every website owner wants to have these.